Evangelism?: Sharing Our Stories

Photo of 3 young woman sharing a laugh in a field. Sharing is evangleism

I wonder what you think of when you hear the word “evangelism”?

Many of us can feel quite worried about sharing our faith. Or we can feel let off the hook because we have not been given the gift of evangelism (phew!).

Well, I have some good news and some not-so-good news for you:

The good news is that there is no need to feel worried about sharing our faith. Because it is as easy as telling our faith stories. To people we already have a relationship with, or that we choose to build a relationship with.

God is very much a part of our stories, and so while we are sharing coffee and cake, or Pepsi Max and pizza, we can share where we have seen God working in our lives and we can invite our friends into knowing this God who loves us all so much.

The not-so-good news is that we are all called to share our stories and to evangelise. Yes, God has gifted some people with the amazing ability to share the gospel with anyone and everyone. These people are able to share through various ways and methods, and God works amazingly through them. We should be praying for people who are gifted in this way—praying that they will continue to be faithful in their gifting. But, and this is a big but, we should also be praying that God would open up opportunities for us to share with our family and friends his very good news of love, grace, salvation and eternal life.


Embrace: Those Around You & Following Jesus

Picture of a handshake with the words:" Embrace . Love your neighbour as yourself... underneath

How do you embrace those around you – even when they may not look, speak or act the same as you?

Jesus replied… ‘Love your neighbour as yourself” – Matthew 22:38

In a world filled with diversity, embracing those around us who may not look, speak, or act the same as we do is a fundamental aspect of living a compassionate and meaningful life. This sentiment is deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, who emphasized the importance of loving and embracing our neighbours as ourselves. In Matthew 22:38, Jesus underlines the essence of fostering genuine connections with those around us.

Made for Relationships

As humans, we were designed not only for a relationship with God but also for meaningful connections with one another. This involves caring for, nurturing, loving and including everyone, irrespective of their differences, with Jesus as our ultimate role model.

Embracing Differences

We need to acknowledge that our world is beautifully diverse, with people from various cultural backgrounds, races, ethnicities, languages, and walks of life. Embracing these differences not only enriches our community but also aligns with the teachings of Jesus.

Following Jesus’ Example

The Lord Jesus Himself set a remarkable example of embracing those who were different from him. He dined with tax collectors, healed the sick, and welcomed outcasts into his fold. His actions reflect the essence of compassion, kindness, and inclusivity.

Caring for All

To embrace others means being there for them in times of need, providing a listening ear, and offering a helping hand. This means showing empathy and understanding, whether someone is going through a personal struggle or simply needs a friend.

Nurturing Relationships

Relationships require time, effort, and dedication. Just as we nurture our relationship with God through prayer and faith, we must also nurture our relationships with one another. Building meaningful connections within our church and community is a collective effort. It involves reaching out, getting to know one another, and fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated.


Love is the driving force that enables us to embrace others, regardless of their differences. It knows no boundaries, and it is the embodiment of Christ’s teachings. Loving means finding a way to get on with others whether we like them or not, without judgment, and extending a helping hand when needed.

Including Everyone

Everyone should have a place at the table, regardless of their background or circumstances. A church needs to strive to create an environment where everyone feels welcome and included. Where no one feels like an outsider, and where all are encouraged to participate and contribute their unique gifts and talents.

Embracing Those Around Us

Embracing those around us, even when they may not look, speak, or act the same as we do, is a fundamental aspect of faith and our values need to reflect that. By following the teachings of Jesus Christ, we are committed to loving, caring for, nurturing, and including all people, just as He did during His time on Earth.

We at Newport Baptist Church, invite you to join us in a journey of embracing diversity and fostering meaningful relationships, for in doing so, we draw closer to the love and compassion that define our faith.



Enhance the Kingdom of God: A Call to Community and Mission

Image of a map of the world with the words, "Enhance. Go into all the world...", Underneath

How do you see God using you within the place where you live?   Do you know your neighbour and seek to bless them? How do you Enhance the Kingdom of God?

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations… Matthew 28:19

The mission of God moves beyond the walls of the church. To reach those who don’t yet know the message of hope that Jesus provides.

The Great Commission serves as a guiding principle for Christians worldwide. But what does it mean to fulfil this commission in the context of our everyday lives. Particularly within the places where we live? How do we truly become people through which God can work to enhance His Kingdom on earth? These questions invite us to explore the significance of knowing our neighbours, seeking to bless them, and being the living expression of God’s love within our communities.

Knowing Your Neighbor

It is easy to live next door to someone for years without ever truly knowing them. Yet, Jesus called us to love our neighbours as ourselves. This commandment encourages us to build relationships with those who share our community and care.

Getting to know your neighbours means more than just exchanging pleasantries or borrowing a cup of sugar. It means taking the time to listen to their stories, concerns, and joys. It involves understanding their needs, challenges, and dreams. This simple act of engagement lays the foundation for building trust and demonstrating Christ’s love through our actions.

Seeking to Bless Others

One of the most beautiful ways to enhance the Kingdom of God in your local context is by actively seeking opportunities to bless others. It’s not about grand gestures but rather the small, everyday acts of kindness that can make a significant impact. Jesus himself modelled this through his acts of healing, feeding the hungry, and offering forgiveness to the repentant.

Enhancing the Kingdom of God requires us to be conduits of God’s grace and love. It means going the extra mile to help a neighbour in need, offering a listening ear to someone going through a tough time or sharing a meal with someone who may be lonely. These acts of kindness can be the seeds that lead others to a deeper understanding of God’s love and grace.

Enhancing the Kingdom of God involves

Community Engagement:

There is power in the community. Actively participating in local initiatives, collaborating with other community organizations, and seeking to address the pressing needs of our neighbours, is creating an environment where people can experience the love of Christ through our actions.

Global Outreach

While our commitment to enhancing the Kingdom of God begins at home, it doesn’t end there. Global missions, sponsoring humanitarian projects, and spreading the message of hope to nations near and far. Both in terms of financial support and personal involvement. These activities are also part of the commission.

The Call To Enhance The Kingdom of God, Increasingly Significant

In a world filled with division and uncertainty, the call to enhance the Kingdom of God becomes increasingly significant. Jesus’s Great Commission challenges us to be more than passive believers; it urges us to be agents of change and love within our communities. Knowing our neighbours, seeking to bless them, and actively participating in missions both locally and globally are vital steps in fulfilling this commission.

As we reflect on Matthew 28:19 and the mission of God, let us remember that our role extends beyond attending church services. It involves being the hands and feet of Christ in our neighbourhoods, workplaces, and the wider world. Through these acts of love and service, we can truly enhance the Kingdom of God, sharing the message of hope and salvation with a world in need.


Engage: Living Out God’s Mission With Those Around us

Image of a read heart on a green background with the words "Engage. Love the Lord your God..." underneath.

How do you Engage with God and with those around you?

Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” – Matthew 22:37

ENGAGE with God through worship, the Word, and keeping Christ Central in our lives as we live out God’s mission here in Newport and beyond.

Born for Relationships

At our very core, we are born for relationships. This universal truth is embedded deep within our souls. Whether it’s our relationship with family, friends, or our Creator, these connections form the essence of our existence. Newport Baptist Church recognizes this fundamental need and strives to be a place where individuals can cultivate such relationships.

Engaging with God through Worship

Worship is the cornerstone of spirituality. It’s the avenue through which we express our love, gratitude, and devotion to the Almighty. Newport Baptist Church understands the significance of worship. We provide a space where people can come together to uplift their hearts and voices in praise. From soul-stirring hymns to contemporary songs, the church offers diverse forms of worship. It resonates with most, making everyone feel welcome and valued.

Engaging with God through the Word

The Bible is a timeless guide. It illuminates our path, offers solace in times of trouble, and provides wisdom for life’s journey. Newport Baptist Church places a strong emphasis on engaging with God’s Word. Through insightful sermons, Bible studies, and more, everybody has the opportunity to deepen their understanding of Scripture, enabling them to apply its teachings to their daily lives.

Keeping Christ Central

In a world often filled with distractions, keeping Christ central in our lives is not always easy. Yet, this is precisely what Newport Baptist Church encourages.  Endeavouring to keep Christ central in our lives ensures that faith is not just a Sunday thing but a guiding principle for our entire journey.

Living Out God’s Mission

Engaging with God through worship and the Word is not an end in itself; it’s a means to a greater purpose. The church is not confined to its four walls; it is an active participant in the community.

In a world marked by divisions and uncertainties, the message of Jesus in Matthew 22:37 serves as a powerful reminder. Love, not only for our fellow human beings but also for God, is the thread that can bind us all together.

Newport Baptist Church offers opportunities to engage with God through worship, and the Word, and by endeavouring to keep Christ central.

In the heart of Newport, a church stands as a reminder that our deepest longing for relationships can find its ultimate fulfilment in our relationship with God.


Sing, Lift Up Your Voice To The Lord!


Back in the 1800’s John Wesley—the founder of the Methodist Church—wrote some rules to sing by. I think they were written for the many Methodist lay preachers who were travelling the countryside by horse sharing the gospel, but I think they are a lovely reminder for all of us as to how we approach our worship of God through singing together:



See that you join the congregation as frequently as you can. Let not a slight degree of weakness or weariness hinder you. If it is a cross to you, take it up and you will find a blessing.

Lustily and with good courage.

Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep, but lift up your voice with strength. Be no more afraid of your voice now, nor more ashamed of its being heard, than when you sung the songs of Satan.


Do not bawl, so as to be heard above or distinct from the rest of the congregation, that you may not destroy the harmony; but strive to unite your voices together, so as to make one clear melodious sound.

In Time

Whatever time is sung, be sure to keep with it. Do not run before nor stay behind it, but attend closely to the leading voices, and move therewith as exactly as you can. And take care you sing not too slow. This drawling way naturally steals on all who are lazy and it is high time to drive it out
from among us, and sing all our tunes just as quickly as we did at first.

Above all sing spiritually

Have an eye to God in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing him more than
yourself, or any other creature. In order to this attend strictly to the sense of what you sing, and see that your Heart is not carried away with the sound, but offered to God continually; so shall your singing be such as the Lord will approve of here, and reward when he cometh in the clouds of heaven.

Many of us have favourite hymns or songs that bring back lovely memories or deeply spiritual times with the Lord. If you have a favourite hymn or song, let Julie know and she’ll pass them on to the worship leaders.

From NBC August 2023 Newsletter

Blessing of Abraham: A Call to Be a Blessing in Our Lives

Picture of a wooden block with "Bless" written on it

The biblical patriarch Abraham is celebrated for his faith and the blessings bestowed upon him by God. However, the significance of Abraham’s story goes beyond his personal prosperity. He was blessed to be a blessing to many. This timeless lesson resonates with us today. Reflecting on his journey, we discover that we, too, are blessed by God. Not just for our own sake, but to be a blessing to others in our lives.

Blessed to Be a Blessing

Abraham’s story in the Bible is a testament to God’s promise and faithfulness. God chose Abraham and blessed him with descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, a promise that seemed impossible given his old age and his wife Sarah’s infertility. But God’s blessing on Abraham is a divine commission for him to be a blessing to others and to share the abundance of God’s grace with the world.

In our own lives, we often receive blessings in various forms – good health, loving relationships, financial stability, and personal achievements. Don’t hoard your blessings, share them with those around you.

Being a Blessing to Others

So, how can we follow in the footsteps of Abraham and be a blessing to our neighbours and friends? Here are some essential ways to consider:

    1. Prayer:
      One of the most powerful ways to bless others is through prayer. Take the time to pray for your friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers. Pray for their well-being, their dreams, and their challenges. Your prayers can bring comfort, hope, and healing to those who need it.
    2. Listening:
      To truly bless someone, we must listen with an open heart. Pay attention to the stories and experiences of those you are praying for. Listening allows you to understand their needs better and offer more meaningful support.
    3. Hospitality:
      The act of inviting people into your home and sharing a meal is a beautiful way to be a blessing. It creates a sense of community, fosters deeper connections, and provides a safe space for people to relax and be themselves.
    4. Service:
      Serving others selflessly is at the core of being a blessing. Whether it’s volunteering your time, lending a helping hand, or offering your skills, acts of service can make a significant impact on someone’s life.

    Sharing Your Story

    As we strive to be blessings in the lives of others, we must remember that our own stories are powerful tools for inspiration and transformation. Just as Abraham shared his journey of faith and God’s blessings with those around him, we, too, should be ready to share our unique stories of God’s presence in our lives.

    Sharing your story can be a source of encouragement, hope, and faith for others. It can provide insight into how God has worked in your life and can inspire those who hear it. Do it with humility and a genuine desire to build up others, not to boast or seek recognition.

    In the spirit of Abraham, we are blessed to be a blessing. As we go about our daily lives, let us keep in mind the call to be a blessing to our neighbours and friends. Through prayer, listening, hospitality, and service, we can make a positive impact on the lives of those around us.

    And when the time is right, don’t hesitate to share your story of God’s presence and blessings in your life. By doing so, you can be a beacon of hope and an instrument of God’s love. So, ask yourself today, “Who are you going to bless today?”

God is the God of HOPE

Picture of a cloudy sky with HOPE printed on it

God is the God of HOPE and HOPE stands for a lot of things but it can also be an acronym:

H – Happiness – Ps 30:11-12 You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!

O – Overcomes – Jeremiah 32:17 “O Sovereign Lord! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you!

P– Promises – Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold unswerving to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

E – Eternity – Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

What Does it Mean To Be A Baptist?

Picture of a person dressed in white being baptized by full emersions

To be a Baptist means to identify with a particular tradition within Christianity that has its roots in 17th-century England. The most prominent distinguishing mark of this tradition is believers’ baptism, which means that Baptists believe that baptism is only appropriate for those who have professed personal faith in Jesus Christ.

To be a Baptist: doctrinal beliefs

Baptists also adhere to a set of doctrinal beliefs that are summarized in their statement of faith. These beliefs include:

  • The divine inspiration and supreme authority of the Scriptures
  • The existence of one God in three persons
  • The deity and incarnation of Jesus Christ
  • The fallen and lost state of all people
  • The salvation of men and women through the perfect obedience of Jesus Christ
  • The immediate work of the Holy Spirit in the regeneration and sanctification of believers
  • The necessity of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ for salvation
  • The resurrection of the dead, and the final judgment of all people

To be a Baptist: practices

Baptists also hold to several distinctive practices and organizational structures. Emphasis is on the Lordship of Christ and the authority of the Scriptures.

They believe:

  • That Jesus Christ is the ultimate authority in matters of faith and practice
  • The Bible is the authoritative guide for Christian belief and behaviour
  • The church is a fellowship of believers or a community of committed disciples
  • Membership in a Baptist church requires a personal confession of faith in Jesus Christ and baptism

Baptists emphasize

Baptists also emphasize the priesthood of all believers. Meaning every member of the congregation has a direct relationship with Christ and shares in the ministry of the church. While pastors are recognized as leaders and equippers of the local body of believers, every member is considered equal and has a share in the ministry of the church.

Baptists also place a high value on the importance of churches working together. The local church is considered the essential unit of Baptist ecclesiology. They also believe in the importance of fellowship between churches.  Forming associations and Baptist unions to facilitate cooperation and support for missionary work, the training of pastors and leaders, social services, and support for new and struggling churches.

Baptist religious freedom

Finally, Baptists place a significant emphasis on religious freedom and have historically opposed all forms of religious coercion. They affirm the rights of all people to worship freely and to hold their own religious beliefs without fear of persecution or discrimination.

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